Tuesday, April 09, 2019

The Secret to Lasting Love Is Sexual Inequality

I ought to get a lot of hate mail for this one.

"There is more than one culprit for the sad state of gender relations, but feminism is at the top of the list. It was feminism that taught women that they can, and should, have sex like a man: with no strings attached. It was feminism that told women to “never depend on a man” and to resent husbands and children for holding women back. It was feminism that encouraged women to make work, not family, the center of their universe. It was feminism that belittled all things feminine.

Most importantly, it was feminism that taught Americans to believe the sexes are “equal.” Not equal in value—equal as in the same. If parents and society would get out of the way, feminists claim, the sexes would become interchangeable: Women and girls would make the same choices boys and men do, and men and boys would make the same choices women and girls do. After all, all those differences you see between the sexes are purely a result of social conditioning. Biology has nothing to do with it.

It was the lie of the century." - Suzanne Venker writing for the Epoch Times

Truth. Men and women are not equal - we are complimentary. To state otherwise is a cruel lie. It contradicts the most obvious of design inherent in the natural world. More importantly,  that lie mocks the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 19:4-6 concerning men, women, marriage, and sexual relations.

So, stop the lie. Viva la difference.