Monday, April 08, 2019

Missouri Man Charged with Threatening U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley(R - MO) on Social Media

"I will kill you before I allow you to continue a dictatorship of monetary and religious systems..."

From Robert Patrick  at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "In an affidavit accompanying the complaint charging Cawthon with transmitting a threat in interstate commerce, FBI Special Agent Michael Christian wrote that the U.S. Capitol Police contacted the FBI on April 1 saying that Hawley, R-Mo., had been threatened via a Facebook account linked to Cawthon.

Among those threats, Christian wrote, were, “You are not running away or ignoring this…your (sic) going to jail…or I will kill you before I allow you to continue a dictatorship of monetary and religious systems….”

Time out. The accused's use of the preposition 'of' has me a bit confused. Is his meaning 'a dictatorship against monetary and religious systems' or does he mean 'a dictatorship by monetary and religious systems?'

The St. P-D continues: "The complaint claims he also wrote, “So I just called josh Hawley…they said I’ll be happy to contact the police if your (sic) threatening a United States Senator…I said absolutely you broke the Supreme Law of the Land…I’m absolutely threatening…as people are dying under a despotism…""

I think that clears it up. "I’m absolutely threatening…as people are dying under a despotism…"

Dying? Name one. Nevermind. Too much TDS koolaid.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Howard Marcus told Judge Mensah that prosecutors would bring the case before a grand jury on Thursday.

These threats against politicians are not new, but they do seem to be getting more frequent and vocal. Apparently, social media can be unsociable.

New York man arrested for threatening to kill two US senators over backing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Since it was  strictly party-line vote (except  Joe Manchin (D-WV), more than likely they were Republican senators.

Maybe it was justified against this backstabbing crap weasel. Just kidding!

Of course, worst of all are threats realized.

Congressman Steve Scalise Gravely Wounded in Alexandria Baseball Field Ambush

All of these examples are threats or attempted murder by the lunatic Left against Republican politicians. There are instances of threats by wingnuts against Democrats, but they are few and far apart. The latest appears to be a threat against Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, but I think it has more to do with her Islamist religion than political party.

As for the threats against Hawley, spokeswoman Kelli Ford said, “We appreciate the vigilance of the law enforcement community.”

Yes. Yes, we do.