Videos WhatFinger

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

When That Did Not Work, and When That Did Not Work, and When That Did Not Work...

VDH: All the Progressive Plotters.

"Are such efforts in the future to be institutionalized?

Will the Left nod and keep still, if Republicans attempt to remove an elected Democratic President before his tenure is up? Are appeals to impeachment, the 25th Amendment, the Emoluments Clause, the Logan Act, and a Special Counsel the now normal cargo of political opposition to any future elected president?

Is it now permissible in 2020 for Trump’s FBI director to insert an informant into the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee? If Joe Biden is the 2020 nominee, will the Trump Justice Department seek FISA warrants to monitor the communications of Biden’s campaign team—in worries that Biden son’s business practices in the Ukraine had earlier compromised Biden who had intervened on his behalf by threatening to cut off aid to Ukraine?

Will they investigate Biden’s propensity to hug and kiss under-aged girls? Will Trump’s CIA director contact foreign nationals to aid in spying on Biden’s aides? Will National Security Advisor John Bolton request that the names of surveilled Biden campaign officials become unmasked as a way of having them leaked to the media?

Will Trump hire a British ex-spy to gather together rumors and gossip about Biden’s previous overseas trips and foreign contacts, especially in the Ukraine, and then see them seeded among the Trump CIA, FBI, Justice Department, and State Department? Is that the sort of country we have now?"

Disturbing questions. The previous potus publicly stated his goal was to fundamentally transform America. The last 2 years of investigations, terminations,  consternations, and revelations have slowly torn back the wretched deep-state onion to confirm that the answer has been a terrifying, tyrannical 'Yes.'

"Has been." But by Trump simply being Trump, he has exposed the Left's wretched deep state scam, kicked them out, revoked their clearance, and deflated their power. Not all, but far more than they ever feared. The Left mourns for a Hillary that coulda, woulda, shoulda.

And for that the Left will forever hate Trump.