Friday, May 31, 2019

Heck, yes! High School Varsity BBQ Teams in Texas.

The first reason to love Texas is it has no state income tax. The second reason is the state legislature only meets every 2 years. They can do less damage that way.

And now High School Varsity BBQ Teams in Texas. It ain't Heaven, but you can see it from here.

From Matt Howerton at WFAA: "Horticulture teacher Tommy Copeland helped start his team at EHS after discovering an annual state tournament in Burnet where over 100 schools compete.

“When we tell people about it, they’re in disbelief at first,” Copeland said. “Then they say, ‘Wow, I wish that was around when I was in school--I would have been on that team,’” he said with a laugh.

At Ennis High, the barbecue team is like a Texas hybrid of metal shop and home economics. The students fabricate and weld their own cooker together then use it to compete."

God blessed Texas.