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Thursday, May 16, 2019

In Controversial Episode, Arthur's Teacher Comes Out As Conservative Christian

"The children applaud for his decision, bravely coming out as a Christian in the public school system, and on a public television station no less."

Wait a minute. The writers have been sooper busy: PBS’s Arthur Character Mr. Ratburn Has Surprise Gay Wedding
"The show’s reveal has been widely embraced by progressive media as a huge step forward in the continued representation of LGBTQ+ characters in popular media."

Guess which one is satire and which one actually aired on this long-running children's show.

Either example still prompts me to demand, "Why am I forced to subsidize PBS with my tax dollars?" Seriously. In a day and age of '500 channels of nothing worth watching' why should taxpayers be forced to subsidize any public media corporation?

Corporate welfare right here, Leftists. Yet, they'll scream the loudest at any attempts to defund this one. Why is that?