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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Alphabet Tries to Silence Conservative Investors As they Question Why Google’s Parent Company Silences Conservative Voices.

Tech Giant's Hostility Toward Conservatives Comes to a Boiling Point at Shareholder Meeting

“In 1961, at age 12, I was one of two-dozen black children who integrated an all-white junior high school in Richmond. White parents jeered me outside the school, and inside, their kids stuck me with pins, shoved me in the halls and pushed me down the stairs. So when the group of Google employees resorted to calling names and making false accusations because they didn’t want a conservative voice advising the company, the hostility was reminiscent of what I felt back then — that same intolerance for someone who was different from them.”

Intolerance, hate, and violence is a feature of the Left, not a bug.

Insty always demands "BREAK UP BIG TECH," however, the question is "By Whom?" If government is your stock answer, then the safety always comes off for me. I'm not a big fan of trust busting or monopoly break-up. Twenty  years ago, G00gle, Faceboo and Tweeter weren't a thing. Five years from now they might be Alta Vista, My Space, Blackberry of the tech world.

New companies start up; Technology evolves; people vote with their wallets; move with their feet. The Feds broke up Ma Bell decades ago, but who now has a landline? Beta, VCR or DVD? 'Blockbuster & Chill' ain't a thing. Pay phones can only be found in museums. Anyone seen a paper boy lately? The Feds anti-trusted MicroSoft in 2001, yet in 2019, 'don't text & drive,' and 'what's your WiFi password?' punctuate modern life. You get the point.

Remember how we were all gonna die a thousand deaths with the repeal of Net Neutrality, and suffer tortoise-slow dial-up speeds funded by per-webpage ISP fees? It was all a lie, yet the Left loved it because 'neutrality' masked their malevolent intent to dominate and de-platform 'hateful' media content. We know this because we see it writ large all day long via private BIG TECH, and University campuses. That enforcement power via federal regulation is the wet dream of the Left, yet so far, unattainable, but how close they got is frightening.

So, unless or until the Feds go all 'obamacare' and force me to buy those BIG TECH services, I prefer the government to MYOB, and let techies write the recipes, consumers set the table, and the marketplace serve the delicacies, giant a-hole tech corporations included.

Is G00gle evil, Facebooo intrusive, and Tweeter vindictive? Yes. Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act (CDA) provides definitions and protections for 'neutral platforms,' like social media, search engines, etc. However, 'evil, intrusive, and vindictive' negate neutral, and turns these media corporations into publishers which make editorial decisions and therefore liable for content. The FCC (or even Congress) can remove those '230' protections, and let BIG TECH suffer the swarms of libel and defamation lawsuits into oblivion. The CDA is a tool that already exists for the Feds to use, even if they lack the will. No impotent Congressional hearings, or un-elected bureaucratic finger wagging required. Simply enforce the regulations already on the books.