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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mexico's 2019 Gold Cup Opener at Rose Bowl Marred by a Ritualistic Homophobic Chant

'Ritualistic.' As in coordinated and routine? Part of Mexican toxic masculinity? But Open borders! The Woke-Scolds must be suffering an SJW meltdown of diametric proportions.

From Henry Bushnell at Yahoo Sports: "The crescendo was familiar. The homophobic climax as forceful as ever. Again, and again, and again, it filled the Pasadena air. “EeeeeehhhhHHHHH,” came the primer from Mexican national team fans. And then the punctuation: “Poofter!”

...Here, on international television, in front of some 65,000 people, was an anti-gay slur, the Spanish equivalent of “faggot,” being hurled in unison by hundreds of fans at an opposing goalkeeper."

Yes, it's a disgusting word, and should not be used in polite society, but this ain't that. These are soccer games. FIFA is the international governing body for football (soccer). It adheres to FARE’s global guide to discriminatory practices in football (soccer). I'll go out on a limb here, and assume it's not a 'How-To' manual, but rather forbids the 'P' word slur, along with other insulting words.

So, just how 'coordinated and routine' is this slur among Mexican national team fans? Bushnell continues: "FIFA fined Mexico’s soccer federation (FMF) for “homophobic chants” at 11 different 2018 World Cup qualifiers. They appeared anyway at the World Cup proper, then again at friendlies, then again on Saturday night.

...FIFA not only fined the Mexican federation, but threatened more sanctions. It also promised to revoke Fan IDs – essentially tickets – and eject anybody caught yelling the slur."

Yet, like Leftists who demand open borders, the slur persists.