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Monday, June 17, 2019

Muslim Woman Says She Was Harassed for Wearing a Hijab at Starbucks

Harassed? It reads more like an assault. In Dallas, last Saturday. More on that later. And where else does one go to announce such things? Tweeter, of course. "Obviously racist;" "America, do better," she scolded. "Thousands of People Have Shared Her Tweet With Most Remarking How ‘Sad’ & ‘Sorry’ They Were. National CAIR Director Reached Out & Then Almost a Day Later, Starbucks Responded."

The only problem is it didn't happen. It's fake hate. A fake crime - unless proved not fake. I say that due to the pandemic of fake 'hate' crimes since Trump was elected. The ever growing list of these verified, fake 'hate' crimes can be found here.

So, what do we know about this Muslim woman who claimed to be 'attacked while Muslim' by another unidentified woman in the store?

From Ellyn Santiago at Heavy dot com: "...a woman in line behind her bumped into her. Ashour apologized. Then, she said she was verbally assaulted by the woman, who began throwing coffee cup sleeves at Ashour. Ashour told Heavy she had her 8-month-old baby with her in a stroller and her 3-year-old daughter was “nearby,’ with her husband.

"Had the roles been reversed, I guarantee the reactions would have differed." That sounds a lot like a nasty, passive-aggressive dispersion on her part, but no one will call her on it. Because narrative.

Santiago continues: "The verbal harassment and physical assault, she says, was witnessed by other customers and importantly, Starbucks staff, none of whom said a word to the woman assaulting Ashour or Ashour herself. No one stood up to the woman or for Ashour save one customer who later apologized for the woman’s actions.

Ashour fled from the store with the woman yelling at her. Half a day after she posted the incident to Twitter, Starbucks responded to her tweet."

Let's review: A physical and verbal assault; Witnessed by other customers; and employees; her 3-year-old daughter was “nearby,’ with her husband; No one stood up for her, or said a word; (Geez. What kind of man are you married to, lady??) A security officer apparently dismissed the alleged victims complaint out-of-hand; with no report to local police. Does anything here sound credible?

So, prove it's not a fake 'hate' crime: where's the video of the attack? Where's the police report based upon witness interviews, and the video surveillance? Is the alleged perpetrator in custody? Any local news coverage of this incident? I can't find any. All the kerfuffle is only found at Heavy dot com. Because narrative.

Once again, especially in the Age of Tweeter, Mark Twain is proved correct: "A lie will travel around the World a dozen times before the truth can even lace up its boots."