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Wednesday, July 03, 2019

A Few Headlines

Leftists Blame Rape Victim for Wearing Her Skirt too Short
In other words, "Attack on journalist evidence of a double standard for those who support antifa."

AntiFa’s attack on journalist Andy Ngo was met with glee by Twitter’s elite blue checkmark brigade, who expressed their support for the militant leftists. 
Fen's Law confirmed: The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture about to the rest of us.

Andy Ngo Is Jussie Smollett, But Honest
Compare and contrast: broad daylight vs dead of night; multiple video evidence vs no witnesses; scornful bigotry vs bias confirmation;...  Again, Fen's Law confirmed.

Leftist Street Violence Isn’t New, and It’s Not Going Away
"To certain minds, the notion that it is a moral imperative to drum people of a particular political persuasion out of civic and cultural life demands violence. Anything less is capitulatory."

Kaiser's Maxim confirmed.

Latino Pastors: Border Facilities Were Humane, Not Concentration Camps
"We were witnessing the identical conditions the attorneys saw when they toured the facility days earlier," he added, noting that people reporting on such horrific conditions "never toured the areas of the facility that we toured."

Rodriguez even wondered aloud if the naysayers had political motivations for their smear campaign. He also highlighted the fact that most "are Latinos" and lamented to him personally about being unfairly maligned by the press."
Correct, Sir. The lying liars will lie about their lying lies because it's all about power - not truth.

Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher found not guilty on murder and attempted murder charges.
The seven indictments read like he was being prosecuted for fighting in war while in uniform. Sherman was correct, war is all hell - particularly from agenda-driven prosecutors.

ICYMI: President Trump becomes the first U.S. President to set foot in North Korea in historic, if frantic, meeting.
Are not 'historic & frantic' hallmarks of this administration?

White House Press Secretary Makes Way for American Media, Breaks Through NK Security
Tough broad. Perhaps I was a bit hasty with my 'resignation pool' pick.

Trump Administration to Print 2020 Census Forms Without Citizenship Question
Sadly, the Swamp wins this round. "The Supreme court ruled 5-4 on June 27, where Chief Justice John Roberts joined four liberals in the relevant part of the outcome. In its ruling (pdf), Roberts, who authored the majority opinion, said the administration’s rationale for adding the question was insufficient and described it as “more of a distraction” than an explanation."

How is 'the United States previously collected people’s citizenship status from 1820 to 1950' a 'distraction?' Between his mealy-mouthed pandering on Obamacare, or this census question, Chief Justice John Roberts is a disgrace.

GoFundMe Removes Rugby Star’s Donation Page After He’s Fired for His LGBT Views
He preached the Gospel, then "Australian rugby star Israel Folau’s team contract was terminated." Folau seeks funds to sue for unlawful termination.
"After his fundraising page was shut down, a “non-party partisan, non-denominational” group called Australian Christian Lobby reached out to Folau with the opportunity to host his fundraiser and donated $100,000 to the cause. The fundraiser raised over $1.5 million as of noon Tuesday."

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not.

Ask Google If Men Can Get Pregnant and the Answer is ‘Yes’
They can digitize neurosis, derangement, and delusion, but it's still neurosis, derangement, and delusion.

Speaking of which: Trump Didn’t Make the Left Crazy, Just Tempted Them into Exposing Themselves
"That told us something about the left today, all right. That they’re famished for power. That they don’t respect elections. They don’t believe in free speech. They really do “deplore” the other half of the country. Every major institution in America expected Trump to lose, and Hillary to continue the smooth “fundamental transformation” of America Obama promised. And when that didn’t happen? It was war.

But the ugly realities Donald Trump turned up don’t stop there. No, he had the thankless task of exposing much more than that. The rage and contempt that welled up in leftist hearts at Trump’s election had other effects. Very important ones, actually."

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

College enrollment in the U.S. has decreased for the eighth consecutive year
Community and private colleges hardest hit. If it means remission for these nexus of neurosis, derangement, and delusion, then good. Go to trade school for sanity and marketable skills.