Monday, July 08, 2019

Ann Coulter Refutes the Jefferson-Hemings Libel

Although DNA tests in 1998 on male descendants from Sally Hemings and Jefferson's uncle concluded that Jeffersonian Y-chromosomes were shared by all, the only definitive conclusion was that eight Jefferson men who lived near Monticello could be the man who did the deed. Yet, as with most falsehoods, the Jefferson-Hemings Libel continues to make its way around the globe 20 times before the truth can lace up its Out of Line, “Boss Like Ross” sneakers.

From Ann Coulter at Taki's magazine:
"Two months after these false “findings” had been broadcast from every news outlet where English is spoken, Foster admitted that the DNA had not proved (Thomas) Jefferson fathered any children by Sally Hemings, merely that he could have fathered one child. Only eight newspapers mentioned the retraction.

The science alone puts the odds of Thomas Jefferson fathering Eston at less than 15% — less than 4%, if all living Jefferson males are considered, not just the ones at Monticello.

All other known facts about Jefferson make it far less probable still.

There are no letters, diaries or records supporting the idea that Jefferson was intimate with Hemings, and quite a bit of written documentation to refute it, including Jefferson’s views on miscegenation and his failure to free Hemings in his will, despite freeing several other slaves.

In private letters, Jefferson denounced Callender’s claim — a denial made more credible by his admission to a sexual indiscretion that would have been more shameful at the time: his youthful seduction of a friend’s wife.

None of the private correspondence from anyone else living at Monticello credited the Hemings rumor, though several pointed to other likely suspects — specifically Jefferson’s brother, Randolph. Eston was born in 1808, when Thomas Jefferson was 64 years old and in his second term as president. His brother Randolph was 52, and Randolph’s five sons were 17 to 24 years old. All of them were frequent visitors at Monticello.

While Jefferson was busy entertaining international visitors in the main house, Randolph would generally retire to the slave quarters to dance and fiddle. One slave, Isaac Granger Jefferson, described Randolph in his dictated memoirs thus: “Old Master’s brother, Mass Randall, was a mighty simple man: used to come out among black people, play the fiddle and dance half the night.”

There is not a single account of Thomas Jefferson frequenting slave quarters. Nor did Jefferson take any interest in Hemings’ children. Randolph did, teaching all of Hemings’ sons to play the fiddle. Randolph was an unmarried widower when Eston was conceived. After Randolph remarried, Hemings had no more children."

Herbert Barger, a Jefferson Family Historian, published his analysis of Dr. Eugene Foster's DNA study of the alleged Jefferson-Hemings mating. Barger's conclusion echoed Foster's: There is no way to prove using DNA, that Thomas Jefferson himself fathered any child(ren) by Sally Hemings.

All of this matters not to the Left with their hate-america-first agenda, manifested in tearing down statues and institutions; de-platforming and demonizing enemies - by any means necessary - including Kaiser's Maxim. Even the venerable Smithsonian brazenly wallows in this lurid libel against the 3rd President of the USA.