Tuesday, July 09, 2019

AOC Lies While CBP Saves Lives: 33 Illegal Aliens Locked in 100-degree Trailer Rescued by Border Patrol

At least it wasn’t a concentration camp. Victims included 12 juveniles in age from three to 17, a pregnant female, and a convicted felon.  Meanwhile, on the same day, Sen. Cory Booker(D) 'personally accompanied' 5 asylum seekers across the border.

A July 3 media release from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection  states:
"TUCSON, Ariz. - ...Nogales agents working the primary inspection lanes referred the driver of a 2002 Freightliner tractor and refrigerated trailer to the secondary inspection area for further immigration related questioning.
A search of the trailer filled with produce from Mexico, led agents to discover 33 foreign nationals from Mexico and El Salvador hiding inside. The group concealed inside the trailer included 12 juveniles in age from three to 17, a pregnant female, and a convicted felon.

The interior of the trailer was nearly 100 degrees, causing imminent danger to the people locked inside with no means of egress.  Although the trailer was equipped with a refrigeration unit, the driver did not have it turned on.

The 37 year-old Mexican driver was arrested and charged with felony human smuggling violations in a federal complaint. The 33 people being smuggled were taken into U.S. Border Patrol custody and will be processed for immigration violations.

In an effort to prevent fatalities at the hands of smugglers, Department of Homeland Security has recently launched “Operation Safeguard” to educate the public and the trucking industry on the life-threatening dangers involved in using commercial conveyances to smuggle humans."
Any word from AOC on this persistent dangerous human trafficking which mainly threatens the lives of women & children at the border? Of course not! Although, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez(D) Mocked on Twitter After Seeking Travel Suggestions for ‘a Few Days of Rest’. 

One response suggested, "Mt. Rushmore, you can see the faces Trump will be next to soon." Another recommended Venezuela. "Maybe while you are there you can see what socialism is like."

Poor thing must be exhausted after her strenuous 'NO' vote 2 weeks ago against humanitarian funding to relieve the crisis at our Southern border.
"The House vote was largely along party lines with four Democrats and three Republicans crossing the aisle. Democrats Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) voted against the bill while Republicans Will Hurd (R-Texas), Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) voted for it.
The four Democrats released a joint statement in which they said that they opposed any funding for the Trump Administration’s immigration requests even if it goes to help immigrant children."
Tell me again who are the heartless haters & belligerent bigots?