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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Judge Tosses "Entirely Divorced from Facts" DNC Lawsuit Against Trump

Facts? We doan need no steenking facts. DNC Chairman, D.L. Hughley, then ran onto Capital street outside DNC HQ screaming, "Orange man bad. Orange Man Bad! ORANGE MAN BAD!!

OK. I made up that last part. On to the real deal.

From Politico: Judge dismisses DNC suit against Trump campaign, Russia over email hack
"U.S. District Judge John Koeltl rejected the central theory of the racketeering suit: that the Trump campaign, campaign aides and Trump allies abetted the theft of the emails by encouraging WikiLeaks to publish the messages and by urging they be released when they would be of maximum political benefit to then-candidate Donald Trump."

From FOX News: Judge dismisses DNC hacking lawsuit against Trump team, says claims 'entirely divorced from the facts'
"The ruling came as Democrats increasingly have sought to tie the Trump team to illegal activity in Russia, in spite of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's findings that the campaign in fact refused multiple offers by Russians to involve them in hacking and disinformation efforts."

From The Epoch Times: Trump Reacts After Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Accusing His Campaign of Interfering in 2016 Elections
“The primary wrongdoer in this alleged criminal enterprise is undoubtably the Russian Federation, the first named defendant in the case and the entity that surreptitiously and illegally hacked into the DNC’s computers and thereafter disseminated the results of its theft,” wrote U.S. District Judge John Koeltl, who was appointed by former president Bill Clinton, on Tuesday, July 30 in the ruling. 
But Koeltl said the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act prevented Russia from being held accountable for the server hack, such as it being sued."