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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Poland Declares Itself ‘LGBT Free’ as Gay Parades Turn Blasphemous

WARSAW ( – "The U.S. ambassador to Poland has become embroiled in the battle between militant homosexual campaigners and traditionalist Catholics after tweeting her support for the gay lobby on Thursday, as anti-Catholic blasphemy by LGBT activists continues to escalate before the fall general elections.

Over 30 town councils in Poland declared themselves “free from LGBT ideology” after anti-Catholic LGBT parades blasphemed the Blessed Sacrament and the icon of the Black Madonna and Warsaw’s mayor signed a pro-LGBT declaration in February calling for gay sex education in schools.

“I am disappointed and concerned that some groups use stickers to promote hatred and intolerance,” Georgette Mosbacher tweeted, referring to the Gazeta Polska magazine’s plan to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers in its forthcoming edition on July 24."