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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar(D) Website Hosted by Israeli Company

That company is 'WIX,' based in Tel Aviv, Israel. One side of this equation is tolerant and inclusive. The other side is the soup Nazi. Answer posted below.

David Sidman at Breaking Israel News explains:
"Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D, MN), who introduced legislation that seeks to protect those who want to boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) Israel, uses an Israeli company to power her own website.

Reddit user ‘EthanB111’, noticed that the site ‘’ is powered by WIX, a company that allows its customers to easily build websites using simple drag and drop tools. WIX does not hide the fact that they are based in Tel Aviv, Israel."
Screen shot is here.

H.R. 496 is the BDS legislation introduced by Omar. It's co-sponsored by Omar's sister in anti-Semitism, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D), plus 'me too' toady, Rep. John Lewis (D). Comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, and South African apartheid are included in Omar's resolution.

In a looking glass twist last Tuesday, the House overwhelming passed, 398 to 17, a pro-Israel resolution that condemned the BDS movement. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Omar (D-Minn.) were three of the 17 'NO' votes.

Plus, without a hint of irony, Omar recently announced she is planning a trip to Israel, and meet with the Palestinian Authority. Last week it was announced that Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will allow Omar to enter Israel.

I opened up this post with "One side of this equation is tolerant and inclusive. The other side is the soup Nazi." You know the answer.

H/t: Jihad Watch