Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Days That End in 'Y'

 'Your fifteens minutes are up' edition.

London Cats’ Meat Sellers.

Long before bagged dog food and finicky canned cat food was mass marketed on television,  one of the most popular street sellers of the 1800s was the cat’s meat man or cats’ meat woman (sometimes spelled cats-meat). If you think they sold cat meat, you are entirely wrong. What a cats’ meat seller sold was meat to cats. To be specific, it was horse meat that the seller acquired from horse slaughterers, known as knackers.

Buster Keaton was comedian and film director who starred in silent films in the 1920s. He was a contemporary of Charlie Chaplin and started in vaudeville. Best known for his silent films, Keaton's trademark was physical comedy with a consistently stoic, deadpan expression, earning him the nickname "The Great Stone Face".

All memes, pictures, and cartoons courtesy of these fine sites, plus that other one.