Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tacoma AntiFa Terrorist Armed with "home built unregistered 'ghost' ar15, had six magazines," Firebombs

From 'Milkshakes' to Fire Bombs. That Escalated Quickly.

“Willem Van Spronsen, 69, of Vashon Island, Washington, attacked an ICE Detention Center in Tacoma (last Saturday) with incendiary devices and while armed with a rifle. He was killed in a shootout with police.”

We now know more about his rifle. From AWR Hawkins at Breitbart:

"A “ghost” AR-15 is a rifle that collectors and/or firearm enthusiasts build in their own home. Some states require that such a gun be registered, some do not. On May 7, K5 News reported that Washington state completely banned 3-D printed guns and retained tight restrictions on “ghost” guns.

Spronsen also used his manifesto to encourage fellow leftists to arm themselves. He went so far as to urge them to “ignore” laws for firearm acquisition, if they can get away with it, saying, “I strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm themselves. we are now responsible for defending people from the predatory state. ignore the laws of arming yourself if you have the luxury, i did.”"

That's the trouble with guncontrol laws. Criminals determined on inflicted bloody violence against others just don't care about your insistence for a 'gun-free zone.'

photo credit: AP