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Monday, August 05, 2019

2019 Missouri State Fair Opens this Weeek

It's been held every year in Sedalia, Missouri since 1901. It includes daily concerts, exhibits, and competitions of animals, homemade crafts, shows, the Governor’s ham breakfast, and many food stands. It only lasts 11 days.

**Brian Hauswirth at MissouriNet unpacks the details:
"The opening ceremony is Thursday morning at 11, and Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe is expected to keynote. Wolfe says about 350,000 people attended last year’s fair.

Thousands of Missourians are expected to make the trip to Sedalia for Thursday’s opening day.

Another big day will be August 15, which is the Governor’s ham breakfast. That begins at 8 a.m. The event normally draws more than 1,000 people to one large tent.

“It’s a popular event for sure,” says Wolfe. “A chance for folks if they want to have a chance to meet the governor face-to-face and meet their legislators face-to-face, that’s a great opportunity over there.”

U.S. Sens. Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley are expected to attend the breakfast, along with other members of Missouri’s congressional delegation. The breakfast also attracts state lawmakers in both parties along with candidates and judges."
This year’s fair ends on August 18.

**Late fees waived for Missouri State Fair Entries in 2019.
"Due to the extreme weather and flooding that have occurred in Missouri this year, the Missouri State Fair will be waiving all late fees for entries that are not received by the published deadline.  The final deadlines for late entries will still be firm, however no late fee will be assessed."

To plan your visit to the 2019 Missouri State Fair, click here.