Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Few Headlines

Chaos theory edition.

Why Does Everything Have to be WiFi Enabled?   
"In this case Canon cameras."

My pesonal DSLR Canon camera is so old it has a macro USB cable.

Let’s talk about PAKE
"The first rule of PAKE is: nobody ever wants to talk about PAKE."

"It started as an email list in the mid 1990s. This 'conspiracy theory' continued to resurrect itself during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential bids."

It's CBS News, so, of course, 'conspiracy theory' is in quotes. It's also from 2016, so, obviously, the list has grown longer.

Chuck at KC Confidential expounds and expands upon this topic.

Global Improvised Arms
AKA: home made weapons seized by law enforcement worldwide.
"You can ban 'em, but you can't. ban. them.

Opposition to National Popular Vote Makes History in Colorado
The NPVIC is voter disenfranchisement, plain & simple.

Some history on red flag laws
It's ugly.

Austria: Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” beats, threatens to kill train conductor
The motive is a mystery.

Vatican City: Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” threatens to ignite himself near St. Peter’s Square
The motive is a mystery.

Australia: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” goes on stabbing rampage, cops say it isn’t terrorism
The motive is a mystery.

Arkansas: Muslim migrant goes to Yemen, aids al-Qaeda, returns to Arkansas
The motive is a mystery.

Traveling through Mexico with my liberal friend
"Lots of driving. Saw a lot of Mexico. Three thousand road miles covered south of the border in the two trips, much of it on bad roads through the mountains and jungles surrounded by drivers who definitely follow their own rules in regards to passing and speed limits and intersections."

Everyone is a conspiracy theorist, except me.
"Their objection is not due to a belief that they’re not theorizing about a conspiracy, their objection is due to the fact that a highly stigmatized label that they’re accustomed to applying to other people has been applied to them. The label is rejected because its actual definition is ignored to the point of meaninglessness."

Zeroth Amendment Watch
"Denying people a path to citizenship simply because they depend on public benefits is patently un-American."

Owen wrote at one point, “As Van Winkle and Toppel got up, they found themselves caught in the midst of a forward squad of the onrushing Chinese. Toppel pulled out his pistol and shot into the enemy soldiers. By the light of muzzle flashes and exploding grenades he glimpsed Van Winkle firing his carbine on automatic and slashing his bayonet at the Chinese swarm. Then he saw the burly Van Winkle lift a Chinese above his head and hurl him into a group of enemy soldiers. They fell into a heap; Van Winkle and Toppel fired into them.”

And troubling things are happening in Germany
"Europe has no tradition of free speech, and its hate speech laws suppress speech."