Monday, August 12, 2019

Parents Outraged When Govt. School Teacher Hands Out 'Gender Identity Graphic' to Middle School Students on First School Day

The. First. Day. Because it's all about me, me, me, and what I call my winky!

I yearn for the good ol' days when the gender benders at least tried to maintain the pretense of "How will my gay wedding affect your life?" But now that it's twice upon a time, thank Beelzebub we're not forced to subsidize any of that religious indoctrination in government schools.

So, will this chicken-hawk trolling in this target rich environment for his next victim be fired? Of course not, says District Superintendent Terry Metzger: “The principal and I have spoken with the teacher about why we believe this was a poor decision. Any discipline is a private matter between the district and employee.”