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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Ally Refused to Get an Abortion, so Her Undergrad Boyfriend Murdered Her & Their Baby

Charles C. Camosy at The Federalist tells this morbid tale:
"...the double murder that killed Ally and her prenatal child is tragically typical example of how abortion rights have so grossly affected our culture - although you can be forgiven for not realizing this, given how poorly abortion is covered by most major media organizations.

First, abortion correlates strongly with intimate partner violence, especially (but not only) when a woman has had multiple abortions. Hook-ups and boyfriends very often drive a woman’s “choice” to have an abortion with the implicit or explicit threat of violence. Tragically, we’ve come to learn that abortion providers like Planned Parenthood are generally not interested in truly assisting women under threat of violence from their partners—only in procuring the revenue-producing abortion.

If a woman like Ally is strong enough to resist a male partner’s demand that she have an abortion, she puts herself at serious risk - not just for getting beat-up, but for being murdered. That’s right, murdered. The double murder that killed Ally is not some kind of outlier.

Women’s Health magazine has done important reporting on this. In an article titled, “Death by Pregnancy: Why are so Many Moms to be Dying?” they lay out some incredibly disturbing evidence. The main cause for the high death rate wasn’t a health issue like hypertension (as dangerous as issues like that are, especially for poor women). The main cause of death for pregnant women was found to be murder."
And the main cause of death for murdered babies is abortion. It's a straight-up, vicious cycle of death cult. Those who facilitate and promote it are complicit in the mass murder of the unborn, plus their mothers. Unreasonable, you say? Extreme? Maybe. Maybe not. I'll simply leave ya'll with "Life in prison for all abortionists on demand and without apology!"