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Saturday, August 03, 2019

Trump Signs Massive $1.3 Trillion Budget Agreement

Hey. Remember... remember that time back in March last year when NEVER AGAIN: Trump Signs Budget Bill, Warns Congress it ‘Won’t Happen Again’

Yeah, not so much because the swamp creature just ate the memory hole.

From Charlie Spiering at Breitbart News:
"The president did not bring in the media to cover the bill signing event.

Trump indicated on Thursday that Republicans could always cut the bloated budget after the 2020 elections.

“Two-year deal gets us past the Election,” he wrote on Twitter. “Go for it Republicans, there is always plenty of time to CUT!”
Translation: Let's piss on 'em, then tell 'em it's raining. I know. I know. I can hear the Trump cheerleaders now, "Trump's playing underwater 4-D chess upside-down, and after he wins 2020 in a landslide, budget chainsaws!"           Shut up. Just shut up.

Conservative Review nailed it: "This vote was the last debt limit vote of President Trump’s first term in office. This was the last chance of Trump’s first term to fight for conservative budget priorities and GOP leadership, and most Republicans in Congress did not want to have that fight."

Because they NEVUH want to have that fight.

So, who voted to suspend the debt ceiling, cancel the budget caps, and increase spending by $321 billion? Click here to see which congress critters stabbed your children and grandchildren in the face with this debt monstrosity.

H/t: What Finger News