Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Man with Assault Rifle Killed by Police in Shootout Near The Legends in KCK

This reads like a classic case of  SBC - 'suicide by cop.' And since the KC Star doesn't highlight the man's race or ethnicity, it's a safe bet the cops didn't shoot a Black man.

Read all about it:
“He said ‘I just murdered my wife, I’m heavily armed and very dangerous,’ and he said ‘I’m going to the Legends you better call the police,’” Honeycutt said. The man, he said, then ran back outside and drove out of the parking lot.

...Police found the man just south of the Village West Parkway and State Avenue intersection, said Westbrook, the police spokesman.

When officers made contact with the man, Westbrook said, the man fired at them with an assault rifle. The man allegedly fired five to six times, Westbrook said, and the officers fired back. No officers or bystanders were injured."
May the Lord have mercy on his miserable soul. No Darwin Award for you.

Oh. BTW,  I could find any follow-up info concerning  'the wife' in "I just murdered my wife," which simply bolsters my contention this is a classic case of  SBC.

Also, will the KC Star authors please explain what rifle cannot be used in an 'assault?' Thanx.