Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Equality Minister of France Outs Herself as 'Sapiosexual'

Not that there's anything wrong with it. 

"We sapiosexuals are sexually attracted to highly intelligent people, regardless of looks."  The term was apparently coined in 1998, “sapiens” being the Latin word for “wise”.

So intelligence is not equal? Liberte, egalite, fraternite!

Hold on, slick. What's the term for an 'equality minister' who expressly embraces, to the point of sexual attraction, the explicit inequality of highly intelligent VS not very intelligent?

That's right. It's a scam. Equality as defined by Leftists is a greedy fricken SCAM for power & control, systemically entrenched inside government. For the people, of course.

H/t: Maggie's Farm