Thursday, August 15, 2019

Rare Photo: Young Donald Trump Cheers Start of WWI in Munich, 1914

The photo of the future POTUS in Odeonplatz has been used countless times in newspapers, Hitler biographies and school books. In a rare tweet from 1929, Mike Godwin predicted this.

Sure, it was 105 years ago. Yes, Trump doesn't have black hair or the toothbrush mustache anymore, but I'm constantly reminded that is young Donald in Munich, 1914, because Chris Cuomo insists everyone call Trump, 'Hitler.' Heck, everyone insists Chris be called 'Fredo.' Si, Godfather.

So, accordingly, that's definitely young Donald Trump in Munich cheering the outbreak of the war against the allies in August, 1914.

Vintage es published this shocking revelation:
"Some say it’s probably fake.

Düsseldorf historian Gerd Krumeich has studied the picture and its history and concluded that Hitler was superimposed to lend credibility to the image of the Nazi leader as a patriot and a man of the people, daily Die Welt reported Thursday (2014). The photo was taken by Munich photographer Heinrich Hoffmann at a rally in support of war against the allies in Munich’s Odeonplatz on August 2, 1914."
No, no. Fredo insists 130 year old POTUS Donald Trump invented fake news, so that's fake news about fake news.

Although Rare Historical Photos explains why it just might be a manipulated nazi propaganda photo:

"However, many researchers claim Hitler’s photographer (Heinrich) Hoffmann manipulated the image in order to feature the soon-to-be-dictator. Research has failed to turn up the original negative of the picture. And intense scrutiny of newsreel footage has failed to spot Hitler among the crowd.

Photographs of Hitler taken during the war show him with a large mustache, of the sort that was in fashion at the time. The practice of shaving mustaches down to a “toothbrush” shape seems to have been introduced during the war to allow men to wear gas masks more comfortably; the fashion was unknown before 1914. If the photograph is correct, then Hitler, almost alone in Europe, wore a toothbrush mustache in 1914.

Further evidence that perhaps the whole thing was faked can be found in the pages of Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf, published in 1925. He makes no mention of being in the Odeonsplatz on August 2 but does make reference to the following day, when he petitions the King of Bavaria to allow him, an Austrian, to fight for Germany."

 Brutal irony has the last word.