Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Touch Screen Fail. Navy Reverts to Physical Throttles

I thought it was obvious: All drivers need a 'feel' for their vehicles - on land or water.

"The decision comes after two investigations determined that the sailors who pilot destroyers did not fully understand how the touchscreen-driven integrated bridge and navigation system worked.

The investigations — by the US Fleet Forces Command and the National Transportation Safety Board — found that flawed systems, and their faulty use by Navy watch standers, were partly responsible for a 2017 collision between the destroyer USS John McCain and a container ship that killed 10 sailors.

Reverting the touchscreen systems back to physical throttles will take 18 to 24 months, according to US Naval Institute News.

The problems with the touchscreens seem to result from a deadly triumvirate: bad design, bad testing, and bad training. The USFFC review on the John McCain incident, completed in the months immediately following the crash, found that the ship’s helm system had recently been upgraded, but that those who stood watch had not been explicitly trained to use it.

It found that the way the controls were arranged on the touchscreen, and even its color scheme, “were inconsistent with best practices in industry for safety critical control panels.” In fact, it found those using the helm system often used the trackball and button backups instead of the touchscreen."