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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Rep. Crenshaw(R-TX) Corrects Democrat Pastor For Supporting Socialism

'Pastor.' Which cult? That's my first question when some alleged clergy burbs up advocacy for socialism. In this case, 'progressive' Pastor Rev. William Barber burped up pure liberation theology. It's an epidemic in Latin America, and the millions of illegal immigrants pouring through our porous southern border are bringing it straight to middle America.

Crenshaw's response is more concise than my now decade old post, 'WJDND - What Jesus Did Not Do,' yet Crenshaw's retort also lays bare the bald-faced LIE that Christianity is proto-socialism written on 2,000 year old parchment. Bravo for calling out this heresy from Pastor Rev. William Barber.

Timothy Meads at Townhall hears in Creneshaw's words an echo from the late Pope John Paull II who denounced this evil called socialism over 30 years ago as an assault upon human dignity, and moral agency of the individual.

As mentioned above, note the language Barber employs to make his case. He speaks with a serpent's tongue, and it's classic liberation theology. Merriam-Webster defines it as "a religious movement especially among Roman Catholic clergy in Latin America that combines political philosophy usually of a Marxist orientation with a theology of salvation as liberation from injustice."

Ever wonder why the current Pope Francis persistently trips over his own tongue as he rushes to be the world's most woke social justice Pontiff? He's straight out of Latin America, and that means liberation theology masquerading as Catholicism.

Ever wonder why the current crop of congress critters want our southern border wide open for these caravans of illegal aliens - steeped in Marxist oriented liberation theology - to snake up the Sierra Madre, and trans-plop smack in the middle of America? They ain't gonna be voting Republican.

And none dare call it replacement. No, not racial - political.