Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Few Headlines

Popcorn: Lewandowski Slapped Around Democrats During Their Trump Impeachment Circus
Watch the videos. I was never a big fan of Cory Lewandowski, but today, Lewandowski my hero. Expert troll level: UNLOCKED!

You Want The Truth? Some Still Can’t Handle The Truth.
Stigall supplies the cogent counterpoints to my perennial question, "Tell me again why Orange Man Bad?"

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s Pro-Trump Votes Rile Arizona Democrats; Censure Vote Planned
What are the odds she's a false flag politician? Heh.

No, Your AR-15 Is Not the Problem
Fact check: True

Don’t let the old man in.

Seattle Brings “Jesus” To Make Their Green New Deal A Reality Or Something
"These same people also want Christianity removed from the public space."

Why today’s renewables cannot power modern civilization
Dr. Lars Schernikau provides the analysis.

Down With The Pootriarchy
(spins wheel) "The New York Times has published an article that discovers a new cause for feminist maniacs to rage against."

MARC THIESSEN: The NYT Kavanaugh smear shows why the press is the least-trusted institution in America.