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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fellow Lawmaker Now Questioning If Pelosi Is Fit To Lead the House

A bombshell to signal the beginning of the end as the walls close in. Right, CNN?

Randy DeSoto at Western Journal writes:
"(House Minority Leader Kevin) McCarthy further expressed concern that Pelosi might have unalterably changed how Congress relates to the executive branch.

“What I’m concerned [about] now is the speaker of the House changed the course of that office for the history of this country,” he said. “That a body that brings legislation, a body that represents the rule of law would change the course of what it actually means.”

“This questions her ability to even be Speaker in my eyes,” McCarthy argued.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana also criticized the Democrats for launching an impeachment inquiry without waiting for the facts.

“It’s now clear: there was no quid pro quo. @realDonaldTrump didn’t break any laws,” Scalise tweeted.

“But this has never been about facts or laws for Dems & the media — they just want to undo the 2016 election.”
Bingo. Because more important for these insane Leftists to vainly pursue their own lies than to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's just that simple.