Videos WhatFinger

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Days That End in 'Y'

'Deep Swamp Gas Stench' Edition. And I'm getting sick of it.

Rare and Classic Semi Trucks

Just because I like trucks.

White House Renovation 1948-52: Crumbling foundations and Rat Infestation
"During the administration of President Harry S. Truman, the White House underwent a renovation and expansion so extensive, it changed the executive mansion more than the fire of 1814. The White House we know today is largely due to the renovation led by Truman. The construction took place between 1948 and 1952 and was a remarkable feat of engineering. National Park Service photographer Abbie Rowe captured the entire process on film and the below galleries document the transformation."

"Early in 1948, in response to the President's concerns, engineers confirmed that the White House was in a serious state. Burned to the exterior walls in 1814, further compromised by the successive additions of indoor plumbing, gas lighting, electric wiring, heating ducts, and major modifications in 1902 and 1927, some said the White House was standing only from the force of habit.

The decision was made to move the Trumans across the street into the Blair House for three years while the White House underwent a complete reconstruction within its original exterior walls. In December 1949, crews began dismantling the interior."

Time-lapse of a Crane Building Itself

All memes, pictures, and cartoons are courtesy of these fine sites, plus that other one.