Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Real Time: Bill Maher Proposes a 'Honky Tax' to Offset Liberal White Guilt

I find Maher to be a tedious toad, foulmouthed, only mildly witty, and frequently loathsome in matters of Faith. However, Maher & I can occasionally shake hands within life's Venn diagram: he’s sick of the political correctness that infects college campuses today, and he’s right about the threats posed by Islamic extremism. Plus, like Dave Chappell, Maher loathes cancel culture, and the perpetually butt-hurt masochists who wallow in the fetid streams of self-loathing.

The video is a 6 out-of 10 zing from Maher, but what is it with the barrage 'eff bombs' when speaking in public today? Seriously. It's the refuge of dullards; boring and bad form, so NSFW.

Watch it all or FF to 4:52 for this quote:
"Here's my question: How many white liberals would pay actual reparations, real money taken out of your paycheck every week, if you really feel this bad about the whole race thing?

If being white is really this toxic for society, let's tax it. Let's tax whiteness - "a honky tax." We'll do it like carbon offsets. We'll calculate your exact level of white lameness and then charge you a Caucasian offset fee based on a mean percentage of household income indexed to the net, not gross, national product; an average with the Consumer Price Index.

We will come up with just the right dollar figure to offset the exact amount of you being a f*cking loser."

H/t: Battle Swarm Blog via The Other McCain