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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Clinton Foundation Reports $16.8 Million Loss in 2018

The 'charity' posted its highest revenue haul ($249 million) in 2009, yet posted a $32.9 million net loss since Hillary Clinton's dismal loss to Trump in 2016. Where, oh, where did all that money go?

Andrew Stiles at The Free Beacon:
"The foundation reported total revenue of just $30.7 million, including $24.2 million worth of grants and contributions, a record low for the alleged "charity." That figure was well short of the foundation's total expenses for the year — $47.5 million — resulting in a net loss of $16.8 million."
Wait. What? A charity with upside-down operating expenses of $47.5 million? Where, oh, where did all that money go?
"Shockingly, the foundation's revenues have plummeted compared to the massive figures reported during Hillary's tenure as secretary of state (2009 to 2013), and during her campaign as the Democratic Party's essentially unchallenged presidential nominee in 2016."
Golly. It's almost as if these slush fund charity contributions were an expected quid pro quo when Hillary swam in the powerful inner circles of the swamp.  Now, as the party's tipsy ol' cat lady, muttering about Rooosians and tilting at Tulsi, not so much. Where, oh, where did all that money go?