That's the headline of an op/ed from Melinda Henneberger at my long-ago former employer, the KC Star. The implication being the premeditated murder of the most helpless and innocent among us is not a high cost. How many lies must one tell themselves to be comfortable with this idea, and still consider themselves a 'decent' human being?
Missouri's near total ban on abortion after 8 weeks of pregnancy was due to take affect in August 2019. A federal legislator from the bench blocked it. Henneberger, no doubt, agrees with the block. She opposes the abortion ban, and introduces us to a 63 y.o. retired teacher named Janice Stallings to make her case:
“I am pro-life,” Stallings wrote. “In fact, I volunteer with a pregnancy resource center,” and has for two decades. But over the years, “I became concerned as conservatives began to spout rage about funding medical care for other people’s children, while claiming almost zero tolerance for abortion. I began to fear that these two stances would not compute.”'Spout rage about funding.' See? True conservative bona fide pro-life creds.
"Stallings’ goal, as she sees it, is not to talk anyone into or out of anything, but to try to help a woman who wants to have the baby she’s carrying figure out a way around terminating a pregnancy for economic reasons. That’s hard, she says, because having and raising a child costs so much.Lawmakers. Money. Society. See? True conservative bona fide pro-life creds.
And it’s harder than it has to be because if lawmakers really care so much about unborn children, “why don’t we make it a priority” to make sure that a woman never feels forced into an abortion? “If what’s standing in the way is money, why isn’t the child more important? Why can’t we make those supports more available? It’s so sad to hear, ‘I didn’t want to, but I had to.’ Why couldn’t somebody have stepped in and helped? We have a major blind spot” as a society, she said, when we say no to abortion but also no to helping families say yes to a child."
Cliffs Notes:
'Grandma, I'm so glad you cared enough about my mommy that she didn't kill me. Yet, if she had decided I was too much of a hardship, because the state wouldn't commit untold tax dollars for her poor choices in life, my murder still should have been legally sanctioned.'
That's it, right? That's the essence of this shameless, overlong op/ed by Melinda Henneberger. The in depth human interest portrait painted by the author about a kindly grandma, retired school teacher, who volunteers to help young, pregnant women in crisis is simply lipstick on the pig of abortion advocacy. How manipulative can one get? Rhetorical.
The illogical inconsistencies contained within this op/ed are too numerous to detail, but this one astounding:
"Stallings can give a fearful pregnant woman what the government can’t: Love is what it boils down to. But she’s also acutely aware that that won’t pay the bills. And she’s right that the disconnect between Missouri’s determination to ban abortion without providing any additional support looks a lot like love’s opposite."Seriously? It's correctly stated that it's neither the job or capability of the government to 'love' its citizens, yet because it is unable to provide that tenderness of virtue, the option to murder the most helpless and innocent among us should be available.
How vile. How shameless. How many lies must one tell themselves to be comfortable with this idea, and still consider themselves a 'decent' human being?
I'm not surprised by this manipulative abortion advocacy from a Leftist tabloid, like my long-ago former employer, the KC Star, but it's astounding how they desire I pay for the privilege of being accosted by it behind a paywall. *smh