President Trump, It’s Time to Withdraw From Afghanistan
The one Trillion dollar price tag for this 18 year old war isn't the exorbitant cost:
"The war has cost the lives of 3,565 soldiers from America and our allied countries."The graveyard of empires is the graveyard of its soldiers. Get out. Now.
Central Banks Keep Accumulating Gold
"Globally, central bank gold reserves charted another healthy gain in October as they continue their quest to diversify reserves away from the US dollar."Curiouser and curiouser. The article is from December 10, 2019. 'October' is the lag in accumulating the global data.
Ice Kart Racing Is the New Hotness
10 Things You Need to Teach Your Kids About Politics
The list strays a bit into the 'why can't we all just get along when those on your own team are stabbing you in the face', but it's a fair starting point when discussing these things with children.
The Anti-White Party
"Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens."No, no. You don't understand. Trump is Hitler.
Voyager, Still Going After All These Years
"Launched in 1977 to study the large outer planets, Voyager 1 and 2 are now, respectively, more than 13 billion and 11 billion miles from Earth, exploring the outer boundary of the heliosphere—a vast magnetic sphere created by the sun that surrounds the solar system. The 42-year-old spacecraft also present immense challenges to those responsible for their care."
Hearne: Hometown Hero Drew Lock’s Sex Life Goes Public
'Hometown' is a bit of a misnomer.
"Lock, for the uninitiated, is the Denver Bronco‘s newly smoking hot quarterback that played high school football in Lee’s Summit (MO) and college for Mizzou (University of Missouri)."As for Sunday's game, Chiefs roll to 23-3 victory over Broncos at snowy Arrowhead
Model T Denounced
Not condemnation from buggy whip makers 111 years ago.
World Record 2240 Yard (2048 m.) Open Sight Shot
Trey Gowdy fires back at James Comey after he (Comey) admits he was wrong for defending FBI's FISA abuses
"This is a personnel issue. It's the wrong people in the wrong positions of power," Gowdy said. "That's not going to be fixed with a new policy or procedure. It's going to be fixed by replacing the people who did what they did in 2016."Per usual, Gowdy makes a spectacle of himself without really accomplishing anything. Of course 'replacing the people' is the process because they've all been fired from those positions! What's required, now, is that those guilty be imprisoned for the felonies they purposely and persistently committed in their attempt to sabotage and overthrow a duly elected potus. Good grief.
The Art of Impeachment: Why I Still Just See A Banana Taped To A Wall
Displayed or disposed, garbage is just garbage.
Schiff Claims He Was ‘Unaware Of’ FBI’s Abuse of FISA System in Surveilling Trump Aide
Said the allegedly mentally ill Adam Schiff (D).
Nunes to Schiff: ‘It Is Clear You Are in Need of Rehabilitiation’
I'm unclear as to whether 'rehabilitation' is the appropriate treatment for an allegedly mentally ill Adam Schiff (D).
This kind of stuff would be funny had it not been so damaging to the nation's political life for the last three years.— Byron York (@ByronYork) December 13, 2019
Democrats Explode After McConnell Vows “Total Coordination” With White House on Impeachment Strategy
"Partisan Democrats and biased journalists who have pushed for President Trump’s impeachment for three years have an attack of the vapors after McConnell refuses to play by their rules."
How The IG FISA Abuse Report Affects Michael Flynn’s Case
‘Far too many in the FBI and DOJ are willing to hide evidence, falsify documents and make up crimes to achieve their objectives.’Ding. Ding! DING! We have a WINNAH.
Six Illegal Aliens Accused of Raping, Sex Trafficking Underage Girl
If they weren't here in the first place... Build the damn wall!
When Hate Becomes an Agenda
"Trump so infuriated his opponents that, rather than find arguments to convince a majority of Americans that the president’s policies were flawed, his enemies instead sought to destroy him."
A Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic
"We know what porn does to the brain, because the medical science is solid. Because social science is much softer, we can’t know for certain what causal impacts porn has on society, if any. But once we realize that we have to be much more humble in this area, we can still make prudential judgments."This is a personal, spiritual problem that cannot be solved by government.
Under Pressure, Hallmark Pulls LGBT-Themed Wedding Ads
Good. Tolerance is one thing. Advocacy is quite another. Particularly, when the network is 'family friendly.' Honor God first.