Videos WhatFinger

Monday, December 30, 2019

Morning Coffee

5 people stabbed during Hanukkah celebration in Monsey, Rockland County, suspect in custody

NYPD Investigating 9th Anti-Semitic Attack Reported This Week

Eighteen days ago this horror happened:  Report: ‘Black Hebrew Israelite’ Cult Connection to Jersey City Attack
"A Jersey City police officer and three civilians were murdered at the local Jewish grocery store, including 'an immigrant from Ecuador who had been working at the Jewish grocery store for the past three years...'"
It's been said by others with more smarts than moi that Jews from any century, in any society, are often the canaries in the mine when it comes to the fascism of religious intolerance.

Then there's this insanity:
Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews
Because the unhinged (and apparently Jew-hating) Left feels the "NYPD are going to “terrorize Black and Brown people” instead of protect Jews?

H/t: Doug Ross @ Journal