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Monday, December 23, 2019

Sanders Campaign Offers ‘Family Persuasion Guide’ So Supporters Can Ruin Christmas

“It’s up to us as students and young people to make the moral appeal to our older relatives to join us in voting for Bernie, because let’s face it: they won’t be around for as long to deal with the consequences of this election, but we will be,” the “Students for Bernie: Family Persuasion Guide” reads."
Can you say Mao's Cultural Revolution re-gifted? I knew you could.
"The campaign isn’t even waiting for young supporters to seek out the guide or offering the book through social media as a free download the way the Obama Administration often did when it wanted its own young supporters to talk about the Affordable Care Act or other legislative priorities at the holiday dinner table. Nope. The campaign actually mailed the guide to around 3,000 committed Bernie-acs before Thanksgiving and will be sending a follow up brochure right before Christmas."
Because communists can't help but squeeze their political shat onto everything.