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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Virginia Debacle, Summarized (And Why You Should Buy More Guns)

"As often happens, when one party gets a significant majority, they want to go all-in on achieving their dreams of molding society to their image. The Dems proposed some very heinous gun control, without any pretense of care about the Constitution either federal or state, morality, or reality.

A whole bunch of counties and towns pre-emptively declared themselves "Sanctuaries," which is apparently A-OK if you're refusing to arrest, jail, and deport illegal alien child rapists, but "treason" if you're refusing to steal people's property under color of law. At least according to the Dems."
Don't forget the ammo.

As I've stated on more than one occasion, just because some politico gets elected to office doesn't mean he can now impose his authoritarian will to abrogate the Constitutional rights of the people. The oath states 'against all enemies both foreign and domestic.' These insufferable communist wanna-bees hoping to be governor or potus or whatever, who publicly proclaim their intentions to impose this or revoke that, in order to strip citizens of rights and liberties, are self-identified domestic enemies of the Constitution. They are unfit to take the oath of office, let alone aspire to it. And those fatuous voters who cheer them ooze from the same fetid dung heap as the murderous Jacobin mobs or the islamist revolutionaries of Ayatollah's Iran. A pox on them all.