Wednesday, January 08, 2020

How Democrats continue to betray their country.

Why not simply call them treasonous? 
"Speaker Pelosi is peeved that she and her Democrat congressional colleagues were not consulted first before President Trump ordered the killing of Iranian terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani late last week. Too bad. She should run for president if she wants to become the commander-in-chief. In any case, she is a hypocrite.

As David Greenfield noted,
"The same Democrats who are suddenly rereading the War Powers Act had no objection when Obama illegally decided to launch a regime change invasion of Libya under false pretenses while repeatedly lying about it being a war, lying about UN authorization, and lying about intervening to stop a genocide."
Pelosi said at the time that Obama had all the authority he needed to conduct attacks against Libya without having to go first to Congress for such authority. That’s curious since Obama’s action had no self-defense justification. It resulted in regime change and then a failed state. Four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, lost their lives in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack unleashed as a result of the power vacuum that the Obama-Biden administration helped to create. No problem, according to Pelosi.

Yet President Trump’s decision to order a precise strike to take out a known terrorist with American blood on his hands, who was planning more murders of Americans, has Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues in a lather. They are writing another chapter in their disgusting saga of Great Betrayal."
Notice the wording, 'another chapter.' That's the strategy. A Gramscian Marsch durch die Institutionen - a long march through our institutions; the long game of Marxist domination of all things in this hemisphere.

Pelosi and her Leftist flying monkeys don't give a horse crap about war with Iran, Trump as CiC, economic fallout, tactical win, or strategic advantage. As I wrote earlier,
"Iran is a country in turmoil. It's isolated, nearly bankrupt, and sitting on a powder keg of revolt from a citizenry which hates the brutal Mad Mullah regime in Tehran. Iran has important ties with China and Russia. The Chinese buy Iranian oil; Iran is desperate for the cash. Russia sells Iran military hardware; Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terror and proxy wars. Yet, outright war with the USA would seriously disrupt those cozy arrangements, and send what's left of the brutal Mad Mullah regime into a death spiral."
All that is merely political fodder for Pelosi's #hashtag resist cannon aimed at Trump. The only goal Pelosi and her Leftist flying monkeys have is still the same: power; raw naked power - by any means necessary. With election season upon us in the new year, her phony coup scam to undue the results of 2016 has expired. It's time to double-down on all the previous 3 years of lies, scams, disinformation, hooks and crooks to cripple Trump going into the 2020 election.

Iran is merely the Leftist's latest perpetual political outrage, just like Russian collooosion, Syria, Kurds, kids in cages, Ukraine whistle blower hoax, etc. Next week, Iran will be a footnote on page 34c of the NY Times. Pelosi's Trump derangement syndrome will orchestrate yet another pseudo-event to generate yet another fake news cycle, and more faux outrage from Leftists. Because Orange Man Bad.

Why not simply call them treasonous?