Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Feehery: Trump is holding all the cards this November

Wow. I didn't expect to find this in the swamp bootlicking, 'The Hill':
"Trump’s move to kill this Iranian terrorist has roiled the Democratic primary, caused the left to embrace him as a martyr and sent the mainstream media into conniptions.

In other words, it has served the president well, from a political perspective.

The president has other cards up his sleeve.

He has the ability to thoroughly dominate media coverage with one 280-character tweet.

No matter what reporters want to report on, from impeachment to the Emoluments Clause, Trump can change the subject to what he wants to talk about.

He ups the ante with each tweet, making grandiose and often ridiculous statements.

The whole controversy over the supposed targeting of Iranian cultural sites is a case in point.

Nobody seriously thinks that the American people (or the military) would allow the president to target historically or religiously significant sites to punish the Iranians.

And yet the president mentions it, and the media goes nuts.

The president’s biggest trump card comes with how he handles the economy.

He knows that to keep the economy growing, he needs to find ways to make trade deals with our foreign competitors.

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which will be passed sometime in January, gives the stock market confidence that there is a method to the president’s madness. When he signs the first phase of a new China trade agreement, he continues to build on his trade credibility.

Unlike Trump’s opponents, the president has the power to chart his own destiny."