Wednesday, January 08, 2020

LION TED UNLOADS: Missiles Fired At U.S. Troops By Iran ‘Paid For By The Billions Obama’ Gave Them

“If you look at Iran policy I think you’ve seen a dramatic shift. Under Barack Obama, the policy was appeasement,” Cruz said. “The policy under the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal under Obama was to give over $100 billion to Iran. They literally flew $1.7 billion in cash in unmarked bills on pallets in the dead of night into Iran.”

Cruz continued, “In a very real sense, the missiles that we saw fired on U.S. service men and women tonight were paid for by the billions the Obama administration flooded the ayatollah with and if history teaches anything its don’t give billions of dollars (to people) who hate you and want to kill you.”
As Pres. Jefferson knew 200+ years ago, paying tribute to appease the islamist pirates of the Barbary Coast only invited more barbarism. To the shores of Tripoli, Pres. Jefferson sent the Marines to kick their ass into submission. Same as it ever was; appeasement & tribute is the refuge of cowards. It doesn't work. Bullies only understand one thing - a punch in the nose. Trump bloodied Iran's nose. Is the 40 year appeasement of the Iranian bully over??