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Friday, January 31, 2020

Morning Coffee

KC Chiefs DE Frank Clark Shows Off Trump / Kanye Hoodie

I'm bored with the Schiff show impeachment scam. How about some FOOTBALL! (Or at least some pre, pre-game stuff)

"Meanwhile, San Francisco 49er Richard Sherman, who visited the White House in 2014 when Obama was President, has said he doubts he’ll visit should his team win the Super Bowl.

In 2017, Sherman called Trump’s criticism of players who chose to take a knee during the national anthem, like Colin Kaepernick “very divisive.”
Ok. Fine. Whatevs.

Trump SWAG all around. There was this fine young lady at something called 'The Grammys' last Sunday.

"One way to make heads explode in Hollywood: Wear a pro-Trump dress to an awards show.

Joy Villa, an award-winning recording artist and political activist, arrived at Sunday night’s Grammy Awards wearing a red, white and blue ensemble. The 28-year-old hit some poses for the cameras, showing off a tight floor-length red dress and white form-fitting coverlet adorned with blue sequins and white stars. She wore two huge red ostrich feathers in her hair and carried a tiny clutch purse emblazoned with a red, white and blue elephant, the symbol of the Republican Party.

On the front of her dress, in huge white letters and numbers, it read “TRUMP 2020.” On the back of the backless dress, it read: “IMPEACHED & RE-ELECTED.”

Both the gown and the coat with cape sleeves were custom-made by Desi Allinger of Desi Designs."
Predictably, the hateful haters on twitter had to hate on this young lady - because those haters hate Latino women. Obviously.