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Monday, January 13, 2020

Muslim scholar on Iranians protesting shot down plane: 'This regime, for the first time ever, is seriously threatened

FOX News reports:
"Ahmed, a Muslim scholar, made the comment on “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Sunday adding that the regime “is in its most fragile and precarious time probably since 1979.”

“They’ve had a disastrous outcome to their attempt of intimidating the United States, their attempts on the embassy in Baghdad failed, they’ve had Qassem Soleimani [figuratively] decapitated, they had to admit that they shot down their own commercial airliner, killing hundreds of people, 83 Iranians, many Iranians have lost multiple family members,” she explained.

...Crowds of students chanted for the Revolutionary Guards to “let go of the country!” and also mentioned Soleimani, saying that he “was a murderer" and "his leader is too!” President Trump had ordered the drone strike on Solemani and declared the world a safer place following his death.

“I think the Iranians have to ask themselves what else have they [the regime] concealed,” Ahmed said Sunday responding to the Ukrainian passenger plane being shot down.

“It wasn't just the error. They denied it at first, then finally they're admitting it, now they want to know what other falsehoods have been fed.”

She added, “1500 people were killed in recent protests in Iran before the Qassem Soleimani execution, so they are finally able to voice what they’ve suspected all along and we must not ignore those voices.”