Monday, January 20, 2020

Something is Missing from the Charges Against Trump: An impeachable offense.

As I wrote at the end of last year, neither obstruction of Congress, or abuse of power a violation of any law. They just don't exist - except in the fever swamp dreams of Leftists who hate Trump.

Andy McCarthy at NRO:
"If there were such egregious misconduct that the public was convinced of the need to remove Trump, such that two-thirds of the Senate would ignore partisan ties and do just that, there would be no partisan stunts. Democratic leaders would have worked cooperatively with their GOP counterparts, as was done in prior impeachments. They would have told the president: “Sure, you can have your lawyers here, and call whatever witnesses you want.” There would be a bipartisan sense that the president had done profound wrong. There would be a sense of history, not contest. Congressional leaders would want to be remembered as statesmen, not apparatchiks."