Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, February 20, 2020

As a rule, I don't dive into the muck of primary politics...

No matter the party, it's little more than insufferable kabuki theatre. I'd rather yank hangnails. But, then again, the 'rule' is more like a guideline:

Ahead of the Democratic Debate, a Vegas Trump Group Released Pigeons Wearing MAGA Hats – and One Sporting a Tiny Donald Trump Wig
"Hilariously, the group responsible is “Pigeons United To Interfere Now.”

That would be, PUTIN.

Their leader calls himself “Coo Hand Luke.”"
But wait. There's more.

Trump Gives Shout-Out To Men Carrying WWII Veteran To His Seat At Phoenix Rally

(My own Dad is a 96 y.o. WWII vet and also is a Trump fan - LB1901)

"But all those red hats! These are horrible people!

Not only did the video go viral, but President Trump himself responded."

Desert? Yes, please.

NYC mayor goes up in flames at Vegas debate.

Welcome Weasel Zippers readers!