Wednesday, March 04, 2020

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

Over 1.8 Million Republican Texans Voted for Donald Trump in Unopposed Presidential Primary
In comparison: "Fifteen years ago, 635,948 Republican Texans voted for then-President George W. Bush in the 2004 Republican primary. In 2012, 520,410 Democrats voted for then-President Barack Obama in their primary."
It's spelled 'Trump-mentum.'

Biden's Tuesday Is Super After Topping Sanders in Nine States
Ol' 25th Amendment Joe is back from the dead.

Donna Brazile Snaps and Tells RNC Chair To 'Go to Hell!' -- GOP Response Is Pure Class
Popcorn! More popcorn!

For Cubans who realized the dream of freedom in America, Bernie Sanders is a nightmare
Despite his lies and platitudes, Sanders embraces the Marxist ideology of murderous dictators.

This is from Monday, but still winning: Dow closes with the ‘largest point gain in a single day’ ever

Noble prize winning 'expert' economist Paul Krugman hardest hit.

BTW, did Paul's wife ever get a satisfactory explanation as to how kiddie pr0n got downloaded into his computer? Asking for a friend.

Launch Failure: Dow Plunges 786 Points After Fed Slashes Rates
"The sharp declines in stock prices and bond yields came despite the emergency rate cut announced by the Federal Reserve at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning. The market had largely anticipated the 50-basis point cut–although the precise timing on Tuesday morning caught many traders by surprise."
'Surprise.' Was that a feature or a bug? Markets typically rejoice at cheaper Fed rates. No matter, The market will rocket past 30,000, soon enough. The good news? Gold popped 2.9 percent to $1,644.40 per ounce.

Senate Panel Plans To Issue First Subpoena In Burisma-Biden Probe
"Sen. Ron Johnson(R), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security
Committee, is preparing to issue the panel’s first subpoena as part of
an investigation into Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company
linked to Hunter Biden, he said in a letter on Sunday."
Good. It's a start, but no excitement without indictments.

Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap
"U.S. District Court Royce Lamberth issued the order Monday in
connection with a five-and-a-half-year-old Freedom of Information Act
lawsuit the conservative group Judicial Watch filed seeking emails
related to the deadly 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi,

Clinton was previously required to submit a sworn written statement
about her email use, but the deposition—if it takes place—would be the
first time she has had to submit to live questioning under oath on the
Good. It's a start, but again, no excitement without indictments.

Reason #6430 that Trump was Elected
"A Divided Supreme Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can be Prosecuted for Identity Theft on Employment Eligibility"
The usual hyper-partisan suspects dissented.

Afghan peace deal hits first snag over Taliban prisoner releases
"KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghanistan’s president said Sunday that he will not free thousands of Taliban prisoners ahead of all-Afghan power-sharing talks set for next week, publicly disagreeing with a timetable for a speedy prisoner release laid out just a day earlier in a U.S.-Taliban peace agreement.

President Ashraf Ghani’s comments pointed to the first hitch in implementing the fragile deal, which is aimed at ending America’s longest war after more than 18 years and getting rival Afghan factions to agree on their country’s future.

Still, the U.S. has said a planned U.S. troop withdrawal over the next 14 months is linked to the Taliban’s counter-terrorism performance, not to progress in intra-Afghan talks."
'I don’t trust them as far as I can spit.' As Joscelyn & Roggio note at The Long War Journal, this lopsided deal is little more than a time table for U.S. troop withdraw, not a peace agreement.

A Failure of the Victim-selection Process
"Apparently 4 people decided it would be a good idea to break into an occupied home."

What would you do if a mob showed on your doorstep at 5:30AM to demand a 'meeting' with your wife?  From the Daily Wire:
"Lacey also revealed that protesters have been intimidating her in public and in private, including sending death threats, and have shown up at her home before.

“Up until now, I have not really wanted to share with you what it’s been like,” said Lacey. “As District Attorney of LA County, I’ve received threats, some of them death threats. I have been followed, photographed while with my family, confronted at an art museum, confronted at fundraisers.”

“All of this is because I chose to do my job,” said Lacey."
I guess Black lives don't matter any more.

I don't think this is an over-reaction. I think it perfectly reasonable considering the incidents of political violence or intimidation the Left routinely inflicts upon their 'enemies.'

A simple test to identify who can override an intuitive and wrong answer
It's an interesting thought experiment that's less about math and more about human nature.

Finally: Rocket launch seen from the International Space Station, Nov 16, 2018. (how does this view differ from CGI?)

H/t: Am Digest