Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Morning Coffee

Trump Jr. is correct - outside of military, - and traditionally Negro publications, I can find few words exclaiming the nomination.
"The Wall Street Journal first reported Monday that Brown, currently the head of Pacific Air Forces, would be tapped for 22nd Air Force chief of staff, following Gen. David Goldfein, who is set to retire this summer after four years in the position. Brown would also be the first black officer to sit on the Joint Chiefs of Staff since then-Army Gen. Colin Powell served as chairman between 1989 and 1993."
Black Enterprise:
"The United States military made history today when the Trump administration nominated Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. to become the chief of staff for the United States Air Force. If he is appointed and confirmed by the Senate, he would be the first African American to take on the role and become the highest-ranking officer in the branch."

Task & Purpose:
"“CQ Brown is one of the finest warriors our Air Force has ever produced. He’s led worldwide – in the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa,” Goldfein said in the Air Force news story. “When it comes to global, operational savvy there’s nobody stronger. Congratulations to Gen Brown on his nomination to be our next chief.”"
"Brown will be the highest-ranking officer in the Air Force, responsible for overseeing all units in the military branch.
He will sit alongside the Joint Chief of Staff in the Department of Defense that counsels the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council, and the President on military affairs. "

Weird, how the Lefties aren't celebrating this high-level diversity from the rooftops.