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Thursday, March 05, 2020

I Was Assured There Would Be Diversity in Higher Edu.

Less than one percent of donations from Harvard faculty go to Republican presidential candidates

Math says the other 99% goes to Democrats, Socialists, Fake Indians, or Senile-ists.
"Since 2017, 0.1 percent of all funds contributed to 2020 presidential candidates by Harvard University faculty have gone to incumbent President Donald Trump, according to an analysis by The College Fix.

According to Federal Elections Committee data, Trump has raised only $538 from Harvard employees, while his longshot Republican primary challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, has raised $3000."
That diversity thang doesn't mean what you think it means, and once again confirms Fen's Law: "The Left doesn't truly believe in the things they lecture about to the rest of us."

Update: Elizabeth Warren(D) drops out of presidential race.