Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Water Cannon Lawn Sprinkler Blasts Thief off Couple's Property(VIDEO)

Drastic measures are a natural progression when states like California coddle criminals instead of protecting the law-abiding.
"According to Camarena, there have been recent issues with thieves coming into the neighborhood to "try and steal tools out of vehicles" in addition to "anything else they can get their hands on.

In a video posted to Facebook by Camarena, someone on a bicycle who came to her home on Tuesday can be seen getting hit with a powerful jet of water after setting the sprinkler off.

The person on the Ring video then ducks away and pedals off.

Camarena said she ordered the sprinkler right off of Amazon."
'Recent issues with thieves' has been rampant in California since 2014.

California’s ‘Woke’ Prop 47 Doomed Cities With Crime Rings And Theft
"The relaxation of penalties, combined with selective enforcement to focus on more “serious” crime, has seemingly been disastrous for the state’s larger cities. Although Prop 47 was championed by the state’s Democratic overlords, as well as by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), many attribute California’s growing property crime problem to lax initiatives like this one.

...The jump in retail theft is just one part of the picture when it comes to property theft in the state. According to the San Francisco Police Department, there is a car break-in every 22 minutes in the city, resulting in the formation of neighborhood “vigilantes” devoted to stopping break-ins. A 2018 study from the Public Policy Institute found evidence that Prop 47 was a contributing factor in the almost 20 percent-increase in car break-ins from 2014 to 2016.  It seems the rampant property crime in the city is creating a dystopian hellscape that the cops haven’t been awarded the authority to address."
When Leftists have 'teh feels' about good intentions and criminals, law abidding people will suffer.

H/t: Welcome InstaPundit readers!
