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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

KC Star: Mo Gov Parsons in Contention for Governor who’s Done Least to Contain Wuhan Corona Virus

OK. The Star actually called it 'COVID-19,' but this is my blog.

Melinda Henneberger writes:
"Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, shows that Parson’s refusal to act has made Missouri an outlier of inaction,.."
Good grief. Another day, yet another demagogic and irresponsible Op/Ed by the KC Star to sow panic and discord for the sake of political opportunism. Hint: Missouri Gov. Parsons is a Republican and that means Alinski's Rule 12 for Radicals.

'Inaction.' Doing nothing. No distancing. No hand washing. That's what caused Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London to admit he was drastically wrong (by a magnitude of 25!!) with his initial Wuhan Corona Virus Model which predicted 500,000 UK dead. It was almost made-to-order headline hysteria.

'Inaction.' Doing nothing. No distancing. No hand washing. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington has used the same WRONG metric for its predictions. It's almost made-to-order headline hysteria. And the KC Star editorial board slavishly swallows hard to echo it.

KCMO has a lock-down order, as does Jackson County. The same holds true across the state line. That is action, and you d##m well know it, Melinda Henneberger.

What is wise action in St. Louis or KCMO isn't necessarily so in Purdy, Buffalo, Belle, Volga, Floyd, Titonka, or St. Joseph Missouri. And you d##m well know it, Melinda Henneberger.

"No, no," the KC Star editorial board screams. "We want more authoritarianism!"

We see through your Leftist libel. We're an educated, self-governing people who know this is a serious situation; know about the county and city lockdowns; know about accompanying safety guide lines.

"No, no," the KC Star editorial board screams daily. "We want more authoritarianism!"

This is why your outfit is a tabloid, no longer a broadsheet, and momma McClatchy is bankrupt; Another day, yet another demagogic and irresponsible Op/Ed by the KC Star to sow panic and discord for the sake of political opportunism.