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Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Expresso - If you want peace, prepare for war

Never  forget - the totalitarian Left has declared WAR against the USA. To quote Lincoln,  "Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the  nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the  war came."

The Left is vicious; violent; it hates you. Assimilation into the collective is  forced, stripped of your God given rights as an individual. The Left is iconoclast;  well-funded, organized battalions arrayed to destroy, deface, or erase (like  Lincoln's memorial, history, your business, etc.). Democracy or debate convicts objectors as enemies to be destroyed.

The Left is totalitarian, yet feigns democracy. 
The Left is violent as it denounces violence.
The Left is 'open borders' until it builds walls (see: Seattle).
The Left is systemically racist while it condemns racism.
The Left is 'antifascist' while brutal in fascist tactics.
The Left hates the USA as founded, but demands its right to 'protest.'

The Left is 'for the people' - until they deplatform YOU; doxx YOU; assault YOU;
loot YOU; destroy YOU. No due process; no justice; no accountability - all the  while demanding justice and accountability for 'the other.'

The Left is a liar from the father of lies - vicious; violent; it hates you. Again,  and never forget - the totalitarian Left has declared WAR against the USA.

"Igitur  qui desiderat pacem, praepa ret bellum."