Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The gang that couldn't shoot straight

War is serious business and people die so I am not making light of the danger that the coalition forces are placed in each and every day, but I do like making fun of the al-qaida bafoons in this Associated Press story.
Apparently, 'insurgent high' let out early today as some of the varsity squad borrowed a few offensive items from the equipment locker. These wayward 'boys' startled local Ramadi residents when they unsuccessfully tried to lob a few mortars shells into some coalition buildings where local tribal leaders and U.S. military officials were to meet today.

No injuries or significant damage was reported.

"The insurgents did leave behind posters and graffiti saying they were members of al-Qaida in Iraq and claiming responsibility for shooting down a U.S. drone. There were no reports of any U.S. drones being shot down, though."

Coach will probably keep 'em after school for extra laps on this one.